Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why I wanted Jindal

Even though I am pleased with thechoice of Rep. Paul Ryan as the running mate for Governor Mitt Romney my personal choice would have been Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Jindal would have brought something extra to the table when compared to Romney and would have helped with one of Romney's biggest weaknesses. Jindal has extensive and diversified experience in dealing with public policy.

Jindal would have improved upon Romney poor record on healthcare as Jindal has been involved in healthcare in not only academics but also helped to run healthcare systems in both the state and federal level. Jindal would provide insight on a health care system should be run and show why Obamacare is bad for America. Also instead of just attacking Obamacare he would also have the capability of dealing a system that would not only replace Obamacare but be better and actually be constitutional. Jindal would have provided expertise on education as he ran the University of Louisiana System. With education and healthcare being two major issues that people care about it would have been a great addition to Romney's insight on economic matters.

Jindal would also not come with the same baggage as Ryan. Even though the Ryan Budget is needed to help reduce the debt and reform entitlements it will be a point that Democrats will surely attack the Romney ticket on. Even though Jindal had problems in his response to Obama in 2009 it would not be a point that Democrats could hammer on as the Republicans could just respond with some of the things that Biden has said in the past.

Jindal is also more ready to assume the presidency than Paul Ryan. As Jindal not only been a state governor but also has been a congressman, cabinet member and director of a state's health care as well as in charge of an university system that is one of the largest in the country which surpasses Ryan's experience of just being a House Member.

In conclusion Paul Ryan was a good choice to Romney's running mate but Jindal would have added more to a Romney ticket.  

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