Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why August is going to be the turning point

With Mitt Romney coming off his third straight month of out raising President Obama it looks like the floodgates about to be open. As Romney will be able to spend more money once the Republican National Convention is over. As the election will move from the primary season to the general election season which means that Romney will be able to spend money that is in his reserves.  Since the convention is being held later this month, August will be an important month for Romney's campaign. As Romney will not only have to settle on a VP pick but he must be able to unify both the moderate and conservative branches of the Republican party as well reach out to independent voters. The convention will be held in Florida which can be a big boost for Romney as Florida is a necessary state for him to win.
If Romney can continue his dominance in fund-raising and pick a running mate that can boost support this month might be seen as the turning point in this election.  

Or this month can mark the downfall for Romney. As he could pick a disaster of a running mate or  lose his edge in fund-raising.  We have already seen in 2008 what a bad running mate can do to a ticket and since most of Romney's contributions are coming from larger donors this pool could dry as they hit the FEC limits. So this month will be interesting to see how it rolls out as the end of the month could set the tone for the rest of the campaign. 

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