Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Democrats are attacking religious freedom

One of the central planks to the Democratic Party platform for the 2012 election cycle will be support for gay marriage. The National Review recently ran a piece about how this is dangerous for those that believe in religious freedom. Democrats want to redefine a central feature of society and want to make it harder to be a christian.

The Democrats want to force those that believe marriage is between a man and a woman to accept gay marriage as the same thing. This is a dangerous precedent as it could allow future politicians to force other behaviors be accepted as equal.  Whats next animal marriage or marriage with kids.

This is also an attack on the church. As marriage started with the church and now the government wants to take a scared institution and make it into a civil contract. also what if the government passes law that forces churches to accept same sex marriage. Since the Democrats clearly do not respect the separation of church and state the Democrats could pass laws that cause churches that do not accept gay marriage to lose their tax exempt status or even worse be forced to close down.

The Democrats pushing of gay marriage is a way attack the church under the guise of equality.It is also used by the Democrats as way to call anybody that disagrees with them as bigots.

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