Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Family Research Council is not a hate group

 I tried not to cash in on the FRC shooting this morning but there is one thing that really grinds my gears. That is how the Southern Poverty Law Center rates the Family Research Council as hate group. They are considered to be hate group because they are so called "anti-gay" but how is being against gay marriage enough to be considered a hate group. This is a move by the left to make anything that is against the gays be seen as bigotry as it will make it easier to destroy religion. 

To get back on point the FRC has done nothing to be classified as a hate group. They have not advocated for the imprisonment or killing of gays. They have not even advocated against gays living a happy life. Just because someone is against gay marriage it does not make a group a hate group. This is an attempt to make people who live by their religious morals seem like bigots.

The Southern Poverty Law Center should take the FRC off of their list of hate groups as it the FRC does not fir the profile of a hate groups and will lead to more senseless violence that was felt today. 

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