Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm with Wayne

Recently, I read an editorial by Wayne Allen Root, the 2008 Libertarian VP Nominee, about Obama's time at Columbia University. I agree with it 110% and he made some good points about the character of president Obama. Especially since Obama  is claiming that the American people have the right to Romney's tax returns I say we have the right to see his college records after all what could possible be in them. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Barry got a "F" Constitutional Law or how about the fact that Barack admitted to doing drugs while in college. Could his college records show the existence of Barack being caught with a lot of drugs. Also the records could show if Barack got by on his "skill" or if he got by because affirmative action or the fact that he claimed to be a foreign student.  

We all remember Bill Ayers could it be possible that Barack was a part of communist or socialist political group while in college. We all now the he wants to socialism to the US so it would be no surprise if attend socialist meetings wile in Columbia.

It would also be interesting to see what type of classes he took while at Columbia. For all we know he could of not taken any American history of politics classes and instead focused on classes dealing  European politics.

If Barack can claim that we have the right to see Romney's tax returns we have the right to see the college records of Obama. We have at least have the right to know who is trying to turn this county into a socialist paradise. 

1 comment:

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