Saturday, August 11, 2012

Regulation does lead to job loss

On The Daily Caller, I read an article that really got me angry. This is just another example of big government destroying rugged individualism and trying to make people dependent on the government for support. 

The story is pretty much that a 13 year-old kid saved up in order to buy a hot dog stand in order to help support his parents who were both disabled. After finding a perfect location to set up the cart and going to city hall to make sure that he didn't need any permits his cart was shut down after only 10 minutes of operation. Because of stupid regulation this kid and his parents are now homeless.

This is why we need less regulation in this country. Instead of having some kid being stuck in a homeless shelter he could be owning a business and gain real world skills that could help him in the future. But, now he has to live on the government dollar just so that way his parents could survive.  

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