Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Joe Biden plays the race card

In a speech yesterday soon to be ex-Vice President Joe Biden played the race card. This is yet another example of the Democrats using the race card as they have nothing left to use against the Republicans. While Republicans are trying to make policy that can actually help this country the Democrats are too busy calling them racists to get any real work done on the important issues of the day. This is sickening how the Democrats can compare the horrors of slavery to getting rid of the socialist regulations that were put in place by Obama. You can do that as that is the only thing that you have left..

The Family Research Council is not a hate group

 I tried not to cash in on the FRC shooting this morning but there is one thing that really grinds my gears. That is how the Southern Poverty Law Center rates the Family Research Council as hate group. They are considered to be hate group because they are so called "anti-gay" but how is being against gay marriage enough to be considered a hate group. This is a move by the left to make anything that is against the gays be seen as bigotry as it will make it easier to destroy religion. 

To get back on point the FRC has done nothing to be classified as a hate group. They have not advocated for the imprisonment or killing of gays. They have not even advocated against gays living a happy life. Just because someone is against gay marriage it does not make a group a hate group. This is an attempt to make people who live by their religious morals seem like bigots.

The Southern Poverty Law Center should take the FRC off of their list of hate groups as it the FRC does not fir the profile of a hate groups and will lead to more senseless violence that was felt today. 

Why Scott Walker is right

You read that right, Scott Walker was right when it came to the power of public unions and their ability to waster taxpayer money. It has been recently reported that there are tens of thousands of retired public workers that make over six-figures in retirement. And if you thought that there were only outliers you would be wrong.

As the average pension for federal workers is over $30,000 and the average for state and local pensions is $24,000. This is much higher than most pensions in the private sector. This is a waste of money.

I can understand having public workers be given a decent salary and retirement plan but it should be greater than what the private sector is offering. This is just another example of how public unions are robbing the taxpayer. Because they are so big they can request enormous benefits for their members and do not have to feel the effects of the economy. The unions make it so that they can get more money without ever having to take cuts and whenever they are asked to take cuts it is shown as attacking the middle class or as class warfare.

This is why Scott Walker is right for trying to reign in the power of the public sector unions. 

Democrats are attacking religious freedom

One of the central planks to the Democratic Party platform for the 2012 election cycle will be support for gay marriage. The National Review recently ran a piece about how this is dangerous for those that believe in religious freedom. Democrats want to redefine a central feature of society and want to make it harder to be a christian.

The Democrats want to force those that believe marriage is between a man and a woman to accept gay marriage as the same thing. This is a dangerous precedent as it could allow future politicians to force other behaviors be accepted as equal.  Whats next animal marriage or marriage with kids.

This is also an attack on the church. As marriage started with the church and now the government wants to take a scared institution and make it into a civil contract. also what if the government passes law that forces churches to accept same sex marriage. Since the Democrats clearly do not respect the separation of church and state the Democrats could pass laws that cause churches that do not accept gay marriage to lose their tax exempt status or even worse be forced to close down.

The Democrats pushing of gay marriage is a way attack the church under the guise of equality.It is also used by the Democrats as way to call anybody that disagrees with them as bigots.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why I wanted Jindal

Even though I am pleased with thechoice of Rep. Paul Ryan as the running mate for Governor Mitt Romney my personal choice would have been Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Jindal would have brought something extra to the table when compared to Romney and would have helped with one of Romney's biggest weaknesses. Jindal has extensive and diversified experience in dealing with public policy.

Jindal would have improved upon Romney poor record on healthcare as Jindal has been involved in healthcare in not only academics but also helped to run healthcare systems in both the state and federal level. Jindal would provide insight on a health care system should be run and show why Obamacare is bad for America. Also instead of just attacking Obamacare he would also have the capability of dealing a system that would not only replace Obamacare but be better and actually be constitutional. Jindal would have provided expertise on education as he ran the University of Louisiana System. With education and healthcare being two major issues that people care about it would have been a great addition to Romney's insight on economic matters.

Jindal would also not come with the same baggage as Ryan. Even though the Ryan Budget is needed to help reduce the debt and reform entitlements it will be a point that Democrats will surely attack the Romney ticket on. Even though Jindal had problems in his response to Obama in 2009 it would not be a point that Democrats could hammer on as the Republicans could just respond with some of the things that Biden has said in the past.

Jindal is also more ready to assume the presidency than Paul Ryan. As Jindal not only been a state governor but also has been a congressman, cabinet member and director of a state's health care as well as in charge of an university system that is one of the largest in the country which surpasses Ryan's experience of just being a House Member.

In conclusion Paul Ryan was a good choice to Romney's running mate but Jindal would have added more to a Romney ticket.  

Paul Ryan VP selection analysis

Early on Saturday morning the presumptive nominee for the Republican Presidential nomination Governor Mitt Romney announced that Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan would be his running mate for the 2012 presidential election. Rep. Ryan is the first sitting House member to be part of a major party presidential ticket since 1984 when Walter Mondale pick Geraldine Ferraro as they went on to lose by a landslide to Reagan/Bush. Ryan is also only the fifth sitting House member to be a on a ticket since 1900. Rep. Ryan is currently the chairman of the House Budget Committee and has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1999.   Ryan has had experience on the presidential campaign trial when he was a speechwriter for the Dole/Kemp ticket in 1996. 

Even though I would of preferred Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal to the VP nominee the pick of Ryan is still a very good pick. A pick of Ohio Senator Rob Portman or former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty would have been a disaster.  Even though Pawlenty and Portman are capable politicians and are strong conservatives they would have brought nothing new to the table. Portman and Pawlenty would have been good safe picks if Romney was out in front by few points in the polls but since this race will probably be close Romney will need a little extra something that Ryan will provide. With Ryan you not only get youth and energy but also a new angle to campaign on. Ryan also brings a strong conservative record to run on which will be good to help shore of up the Republican base. The New York Times recentlypublished an article that showed Ryan to be the most conservative running mate since at least 1900, the list however only contain those that served in Congress.  

Having Ryan on the ticket makes it much easier for Romney to keep the focus on the deficit and the economy as he added one of the biggest intellectuals in the Republican Party to the ticket. Ryan's expertise in budgets and not being tied to the Bush administration, like Portman, will allow Romney to have the campaign focus on big issues. Which will not only include the economy but issues like entitlement reform. By having the campaign focus on this it makes it much harder for Obama to continue his attacks on Romney's wealth or his tenure at Bain as it will just look petty.  By having a focus on entitlement reform it will make the Romney campaign look like it is not only planning for the present but also for the future.

The only downside to the Ryan pick is that neither Romney nor Paul have significant foreign policy experience. This will probably not matter as the campaign will be about the economy. The only way that foreign policy will matter is if the economy suddenly picks up which will be very unlikely  as Obama's leftist policies have stalled any chance of an economic recovery. Overall this was a very good pick for Romney and should give him the much needed boost Romney needs in order to win in November. Ryan could also help  the Republicans in winning the state of Wisconsin for the first time since 1984.